Isidore Alexandre Augustin Pils FRENCH [1813—1875] STUDY FOR MERCURY, ca.1860 Pils was born in Paris as the son of a soldier. At the age of twelve, he studied with Guillaume Guillon-Lethière for four years. He later studied under François-Édouard Picot. By 1840, he'd been admitted to the École des Beaux-Arts and was competing for the Prix de Rome, which he won in 1841 for a history painting, St. Peter Healing a Lame Man at the Door of the Temple. Although in poor health Pils spent the customary three years at the French Academy in Rome at the Villa Medici, which then had Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres as its director. While, in Italy, he visited Naples, Venice, and Florence and was influenced by Italian Renaissance art." /> Isidore Alexandre Augustin Pils FRENCH [1813—1875] STUDY FOR MERCURY, ca.1860 Pils was born in Paris as the son of a soldier. At the age of twelve, he studied with Guillaume Guillon-Lethière for four years. He later studied under François-Édouard Picot. By 1840, he'd been admitted to the École des Beaux-Arts and was competing for the Prix de Rome, which he won in 1841 for a history painting, St. Peter Healing a Lame Man at the Door of the Temple. Although in poor health Pils spent the customary three years at the French Academy in Rome at the Villa Medici, which then had Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres as its director. While, in Italy, he visited Naples, Venice, and Florence and was influenced by Italian Renaissance art.">