The World's Finest Art & Luxury LifeStyle Magazine

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Brigitte Helm Starring in Fritz Lang's Metropolis, Signed Limited Edition (10/50)

om the glory days of German cinema. She is widely remembered as the hypersexed robot "Maria," one of the most powerful and iconic images in film history. In 1935, Helm married Dr. Hugo von Kuenheim, an industrialist of Jewish descent, and they quickly moved to Switzerland to escape the insanity of Hitler and the Nazis. Perfect for modern Art Deco Interiors and luxury homes at the Ridges of Summerlin, Las Vegas.

Mid-Century Modern, Signed Limited Edition (4/50)

t the Studios of Art Chateau in 2016.

Memories of Origami, after Etienne Piot, Limited Edition (19/50)

ur recent work of Fine Art was created in 2019 and perfect for luxury homes in Los Altos Hills, California, and beyond.

Humphrey Bogart as Duke Berne, Limited Edition (17/50)

hnique, Zhee-Klay-Verssage. While the original artwork by Boris Grisson dates from 1949.

Dans le Boudoir, after Delphin Enjolras, Limited Edition (12/50)

es were marked by their risque quality, as we see here with "Dans le Boudoir." This piece is a quintessential Enjolras and is accented with a beautiful interior and sensuous nude. Perfect for traditional Interior Design projects and Luxury Homes in Hunters Creek Village, Texas.

Hollywood Regency Poster, Limited Edition (6/50)

e Studios of Art Chateau in 2016.

Himalayan White Tiger, from Art Chateau, Limited Edition (23/50)

ates of Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal. This captivating tableau will command attention and is ideal for luxury homes and Interior Designers in West Hollywood.

Casablanca, with Bogart and Bergman, Limited Edition (16/50)

nd Humphrey Bogart together. Perhaps it could be the romantic setting of Morocco. It might be the flashback setting of an even more romantic Paris. Certainly, all the above, play it again Sam. This remastered Mixed-Media poster is perfect for the best interior designers in South Beach, Florida.

Hollywood Regency Period, Limited Edition (9/50)

nd then remastered at Art Chateau in 2016.

Diana and Actaeon, after Paulus van Vianen, Limited Edition (21/50)

pon a bathing goddess who, in her fury, transforms Actaeon into a deer. This extraordinary photo will be an excellent addition to any modern decorating project and for Atlanta's best interior designers.

Hollywood Regency Period, Limited Edition (9/25)

1922 play by Eugene O'Neill. Our Mixed-Media painting was remastered at the Studios of Art Chateau in 2016.

Hollywood Regency Era, Limited Edition (21/50)

ictures, our nuanced version was created in 2016.

James Cagney Starring in Public Enemy, Limited Edition (9/50)

solidified Warners’ rep as the studio to watch for gangster films. Finally, he created a film that remains a cinematic icon to this day. This remastered, Mixed-Media Movie poster is perfect for modern interior design and luxury townhouses in Tribeca, New York City.

I'm Hip by Barrett Evon, Signed Limited Edition (13/50)

the Narcissistic Emperor, titled "I'm Hip." This Mixed-Media painting was remastered and painted at the Studios of Art Chateau, using our Trademark Technique know as Zhee-Klay-Verssage. Perfect for Luxury Interior design and the best Chelsea Art Galleries in Manhattan.

Hollywood Regency, Limited Edition (24/50)

ed at our Studios in 2015 using our exclusive Technique known as Zhee-Klay-Verssage.

Between Two Worlds by Barrett Evon, Signed Limited Edition (13/50)

nto a brave new world where everything we once knew is contorted and dystopian. For some, the new way is a perceived Utopia; it's the road to perdition for others. The ensuing conversation is existential, and this new Masterpiece could be a catalyst for dialogue and hope. Perfect for contemporary interiors and luxury homes in Memorial, Houston, Texas.

Robin Hood of Eldorado, after Howard Pyle, Limited Edition (4/50)

nd Hispanic influences. Baxter was the right choice for Mr. Hood, having won an Oscar for his star turn as the Cisco Kid in the 1928 film, In Old Arizona. This remastered Mixed-Media painting is perfect for Southwest decorating and Luxury Homes in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

Vintage Movie Poster, Limited Edition (12/50)

Studios using our exclusive Technique known as Zhee-Klay-Verssage.