The World's Finest Art & Luxury LifeStyle Magazine

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Fifth-Dimension by Barrett Evon, Signed Limited Edition (11/50)

the fundamental forces known in the universe mathematically. The ultimate goal of connecting gravity and electromagnetic force into a fifth dimension. This is indeed an abstraction but does frequently occur in mathematics, where it is a legitimate construct. So, welcome to a vision of the Fifth Dimension. This Mixed-Media tableau from Barrett Evon and Art Chateau's Studios is ideal for modern interior design projects and the best art galleries in Miami, Florida.

Northern Renaissance Painting, Limited Edition (9/50)

ute. Our Mixed-Media painting shows the influence of Italian iconography, to which Van Scorel was introduced during his trip to Rome.

Portrait of a Young Maiden, Limited Edition (10/50)

issance. The young maiden has an intriguing stare upon the viewer and an enigmatic expression that is reserved, although accentuated with wisdom.

The Virgin and Child after Adriaen Isenbrandt, Limited Edition (16/50)

op specializing in religious subjects and rendered conservatively in the tradition of the Early Netherlandish period. This remarkable Mixed-Media painting from Art Chateau was remastered in 2019 and is well suited for Pre-War Luxury Apartments and the stunning Beresford at 211 Central Park West, NYC.

The Wake of Dawn, after Kuo Hsueh-hu, Limited Edition (3/50)

s throughout his life. Here we see a nuanced and remastered Mixed-Media tableau from Art Chateau. Perfect for modern interior design and a luxury penthouse in San Francisco, California.

Saints Gregory, Maurice and Augustine, Limited Edition (7/50)

Left), Saint Maurice (Center), and Saint Augustine on the right. This Mixed-Media tableau is quintessentially Italian and well suited for Villas on Lake Travis, Austin, Texas.

Classical Interior Design, Limited Edition (7/50)

ing of Rome by the twins Romulus and Remus had not yet become a legend in the era portrayed, but a statue of them appears anachronistically. Remastered at Art Chateau.

Dusseldorf Illustration, Limited Edition (7/50)

ered at our Studios using our exclusive Technique known as Zhee-Klay-Verssage.

Sophie Musters as Hebe, after Charles Hodges, Limited Edition (9/50)

que, or Rococo softened with a Romantic sensibility of tenderness that we see in "Sophie Musters as Hebe". A remastered, Mixed-Media work of art and perfect for Classical Decorating.

17th Century Design Element, after Ciro Ferri, Limited Edition (5/50)

likely have been for a successful merchant or noble of Florence who desired a stylish home on ancestral lands or newly-bought acreage. This remastered, Mixed-Media tableau is perfect for the best Interior Designers in Boston.

Iranian Folk Art, Limited Edition (18/50)

ixed-Media painting from Art Chateau, we see hints of ancient Persian ornate illuminations in the expressionist modernist style. Originally rendered by Sadegh Tabrizi in 1971.

French Baroque Revival, Limited Edition (8/50)

This lovely and haunting work by Dore, “The Neophyte”, was recently remastered by Art Chateau in 2017.

Mythological Tale of Apelles, Limited Edition (7/50)

artist to Alexander the Great, who succumbed to the beauty of the sovereign’s slave but was rewarded by the king with the gift of Campaspe to Apelles.

Dutch Golden Age Portrait, Limited Edition (7/50)

ard Picart shows humanity and intelligence in the subject executed with masterful lines and drawing ability.

Desire and Satisfaction, after Jan Toorop, Limited Edition (13/50)

stive of primitive Javanese art yet brings 21st-Century Pop-Art impulses to this remastered, Mixed-Media painting from Art Chateau. Perfect for Modern Interior Design and the Society Biscayne Apartments in Miami, Florida.

Implacable Universe by Barrett Evon, Signed Limited Edition (29/50)

a new aspirational zeitgeist for the 21st Century. Academics might just say ... far freaking out. Evon's remarkable work was painstakingly rendered with acrylic paint, Air Brush, Art Pencils, and digital enhancements.

Baroque Revival, Limited Edition (11/50)

s, a theme sounded more than once in the Revolution’s fervor, in the hopes equality might bring concord. A Mixed-Media work of art.

Martha's Nantucket by Barrett Evon, Signed Limited Edition (14/50)

t has become synonymous the world over with a certain laid back style unto itself. The high elegance of casual is a breath of fresh air, with pastels on display and the big city's urgency on hold. This wonderful tableau is sure to set the tone and style of Modern Cape Cod Luxury homes.

Portrait de Femme, after Paul Cesar Helleu, Limited Edition (7/50)

egant in stature, in a rather sublime and alluring likeness suggesting the sophistication and intellect of the Golden Age. This remastered, Mixed-Media work of art is perfect for a Luxury Chateau on Lake Grapevine in Texas.