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Baroque Revival Painting, Limited Edition (13/50)

l work depicts the stealthy Jewish heroine after she beheaded the Assyrian general, who was about to destroy her village.

Neoclassical Painting, Limited Edition (18/50)

cal painting by Ingres depicts a young and delicate Aphrodite pouring water from a vase, the subject modeled after the daughter of his concierge. A Mixed-Media painting.

Metamorphosis-II by Barrett Evon, Signed Limited Edition (12/50)

nes how an insect physically develops after birth or hatching and involves an abrupt change in body structure. This beautiful work of art is viewed more as a metaphor for the evolution of all life on Earth. Perfect for interior designers and the top Art Galleries in Miami.

Dutch Golden Age, Limited Edition (13/50)

y Prince Frederik Henrik, depicted here by Hillegaert in his full martial glory. Mixed-Media Painting.

Northern Renaissance Style Painting, Limited Edition (6/50)

of figures, aided by his mastery of light and color, help to animate the divine wrath upon his subjects. Remastered at Art Chateau 2014.

Chloe and Daphnis, after Francois Baron, Limited Edition (26/50)

h and emotion of the Romantic sensibility, and even a hint of the emerging Barbizon School of landscape art. This beautiful Mixed-Media tableau would be a great addition to Classical decorating projects in the Memorial Area and luxury Mansions in Houston, Texas.

Three Children of Venetian Nobility, Limited Edition (8/50)

sing from Byzantine associations and eventually amalgamating into the Venetian style. This Classical Mixed-Media painting from Art Chateau is a perfect choice for the fabled River House at 435 East 52nd in New York City.

Five Bengali Women, after Jamini Roy, Limited Edition (9/50)

painting from Art Chateau. Jamini Roy was an Indian artist and drew his inspiration from his culture in everyday life and tribal art from generations past. Perfect for modern Interior design and luxury homes in San Francisco, California.

Flemish Baroque Style, Limited Edition (22/50)

The Rape of Europa" is a flawless painting that uses color and brushwork to denote movement and full-blooded life. A Mixed-Media painting from Art Chateau.

Baroque Style Painting, Limited Edition (14/50)

and foreboding in demeanor, and in his last decades, his work tended toward the more sensational.

Biedermeier Period Painting, Limited Edition (5/50)

Vienna with a four-horse carriage and a Moor as a servant.

Mythological Scene, after Philip van Dijk, Limited Edition (8/50)

nter for William VIII, ruler of the tiny state of Hesse-Kassel. Here ancient two gods are re-imagined with grace and flair. This remastered, Mixed-Media painting is ideal for Newport Beach Interior Designers.

Yellow Face, Modern Photography, Limited Edition (9/50)

from Art Chateau. Further, this unique piece has been painstakingly Mastered at our Studios using our exclusive Technique known as Digital-Verssage. Perfect for modern decorating and luxury penthouse interior design.

Baroque Period, Limited Edition (10/50)

urora, popular in Baroque art, as newlyweds in this nuanced composition from Art Chateau.

Children of Charles I, after Anthony van Dyck, Limited Edition (28/50)

f Charles II, symbolic of power; the very human royal children contrast markedly with the miniature adults of the previous generation’s art. This lovely Mixed-Media portrait will surely command the attention of all those who gaze upon it. Perfect for traditional decorating and luxury homes in Orlando, Florida.

Margarita Trip as Minerva, Limited Edition (8/50)

sents wisdom. While the original Baroque Painting was rendered in1663, our Mixed-Media painting was created in 2019.

Triumph at Juliers after Peter Paul Rubens, Limited Edition (26/50)

y-heavy piece; in the real-life battle commemorated, de Medici's role was insignificant. This wonderful Mixed-Media tableau from Art Chateau is perfect for traditional interiors and Modern Manhattan Townhouses.

Italian School Painting, Limited Edition (23/50)

creasingly formulaic. A Mixed-Media painting from Art Chateau.

Fifth Dimension II by Barrett Evon, Signed Limited Edition (4/50)

the fundamental forces known in the universe mathematically. The ultimate goal of connecting gravity and electromagnetic force into a fifth dimension. This is indeed an abstraction but does frequently occur in mathematics, where it is a legitimate construct. Our Mixed-Media tableau from Barrett Evon is a real eye-catcher and perfect for the best Interior Designers in Los Angeles.

Cupid Sailing, after Erasmus Quellinus, Limited Edition (21/50)

. “Cupid Sailing” c.1650 is a classically infused work with enough of the Baroque to heighten its interest for the viewer. This whimsical tableau was remastered at the Studios of Art Chateau in 2017 and perfect for the best Interior Design projects in West Palm Beach, Florida.